advance copy 7.90   I was sent an advance copy.
  paper copy 2.76   I will also print out paper copies.
  draft copy 2.44   The Associated Press obtained a draft copy.
  ad copy 1.18   The ad copy calls it a biscotti jar.
  review copy 1.05   It was sent to me as a review copy.
  back-up copy 0.79   Be sure you regularly make back-up copies of your data.
  pirate copy 0.59   Many movie houses also are showing pirate copies.
  color copy 0.46   Rent the black-and-white original instead of the color copy.
  microfilm copy 0.46   Microfilm copies will be kept for future reference.
  half-million copy 0.39   Almost a half-million copies of the book have sold.
  test copy 0.39   The company has made just a few thousand test copies to date.
  miniature copy 0.33   In fact, a miniature copy of Big Ben might be appropriate during cold season.
  cassette copy 0.26   Police also seized a large quantity of textiles, video cassette copies, records and cigarettes in the raids.
  fax copy 0.26   These enable anyone helping a member in an emergency to receive a fax copy of the data.
  jacket copy 0.26   The jacket copy clarifies its unconventionality.
  news copy 0.26   You can write news copy.
  photo copy 0.26   The NCNP presented photo copies of official documents of real etate ownership as evidence.
  preview copy 0.26   I give the preview copy back.
  quality copy 0.26   The forgeries are said to be good quality copies.
  sample copy 0.26   Ask for a free sample copy.
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