block convoy 5.92   Humanitarian convoys were also blocked.
  attack convoy 5.66   The convoy was attacked.
  escort convoy 5.60   Escorting the convoy had been chaotic.
  ambush convoy 3.88   Gunmen ambushed a convoy of trucks heading north.
  stop convoy 3.62   Gunmen stopped his convoy.
  send convoy 2.76   The agency hopes to send two convoys next week.
  allow convoy 2.44   But the Bosnian army refused to allow the convoy through.
  accompany convoy 2.04   Each convoy was accompanied by mobile artillery.
  protect convoy 1.97   Five gunmen are killed by soldiers protecting the convoy.
  hit convoy 1.91   NATO denied Yugoslav claims it hit the convoy.
  target convoy 1.51   Fuel convoys were targeted, too.
  lead convoy 1.32   The convoy was led by Palestinian police jeeps.
  prevent convoy 1.25   But Bosnian radio said Wednesday they were still preventing convoys from passing.
  organize convoy 1.12   One person, said to have organized the convoy, was arrested, it added.
  halt convoy 0.99   Another convoy is halted just outside Gorazde.
  follow convoy 0.92   Bosnian soldiers stopped reporters following the convoy.
  suspend convoy 0.92   Those convoys had been suspended during the recent NATO air strikes.
  drive convoy 0.86   We drove in convoy.
  join convoy 0.86   We knew that we were about to join a convoy coming from America.
  guard convoy 0.79   Two rival militamen guarding the convoy were killed.
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