summer convention 3.16   The national conventions this summer will ratify the primaries.
  weekend convention 1.97   The NRA is in town for its annual convention this weekend.
  week convention 1.51   At the Democratic convention this week, good manners reign supreme.
  industry convention 1.38   How often do you go to an industry convention for an industry you know little about?
  business convention 1.12   This was a business convention, after all.
  four-day convention 1.12   The four-day convention opens Tuesday.
  year convention 0.99   Clinton won a straw ballot at the convention that year.
  shadow convention 0.92   Shadow conventions are going on.
  three-day convention 0.92   The three-day convention is scheduled to start Monday.
  computer convention 0.86   The final straw, though, came at a recent computer convention.
  weapon convention 0.86   Some people argued that it would go against the UN biological weapons convention and treaties.
  draft convention 0.66   He said the Austrian government was circulating a draft convention.
  genocide convention 0.53   Switzerland looks to join genocide convention.
  month convention 0.46   But there will be a third convention this month that could be a wild card.
  day convention 0.39   There really is nothing less democratic, small d, than a party convention these days.
  music convention 0.39   The year after Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered, Penn attended a music convention.
  rump convention 0.39   At a rump convention Hagelin won.
  sham convention 0.39   It is widely considered a sham convention.
  two-day convention 0.39   Many moderate Baptists are shunning the two-day convention.
  hacker convention 0.33   Sklyarov was arrested at a computer hackers convention in Las Vegas, and became a cause celebre for civil libertarians.
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