franciscan convent 0.72   Priebke is being held in a Franciscan convent on the outskirts of Rome.
  nearby convent 0.39   Most of the women were taken to a nearby convent.
  old convent 0.39   The coffee roasting company was founded in an old French convent in Hanoi.
  carmelite convent 0.33   Two years later she entered a Carmelite convent.
  former convent 0.33   He works in the diocesan headquarters, a former convent on a quiet suburban street.
  adjoining convent 0.26   Hundreds of Palestinians have taken refuge in the church and an adjoining convent run by the Franciscans.
  small convent 0.26   On his way back, the pontiff visited a small convent at Kalatowki and sang with the nuns.
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