sharp contrast 24.75   It was a day of sharp contrast.
  stark contrast 24.36   In stark contrast is Nicholas.
  marked contrast 8.16   This is in marked contrast to where I live.
  striking contrast 3.69   They make a striking contrast.
  dramatic contrast 1.58   Alaska is a land of dramatic contrast.
  startling contrast 1.58   It is a boom of startling contrasts.
  nice contrast 1.25   Which is a nice contrast, to say the least.
  vivid contrast 1.25   The partners are vivid contrasts.
  direct contrast 1.18   Outwardly, the two were in direct contrast.
  complete contrast 1.12   In complete contrast to Stothard, Kam travels light.
  greater contrast 0.99   It would be hard to imagine a greater contrast to Eminem.
  interesting contrast 0.92   It was an interesting contrast.
  strong contrast 0.92   There will be a very strong contrast.
  textural contrast 0.92   - Create textural contrasts with crispy and soft foods.
  good contrast 0.86   Sukababo offers a good contrast.
  clear contrast 0.72   You have to provide clear contrasts.
  great contrast 0.72   ...a country of great contrasts.
  high contrast 0.59   High contrast kitchens.
  thermal contrast 0.59   These large thermal contrasts help to drive the jet stream.
  welcome contrast 0.59   However, the positive words were a welcome contrast to the gloom pervading the territory.
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