breed contempt 4.34   Contempt breeds contempt.
  have contempt 2.37   They have contempt for both.
  show contempt 2.30   It shows deep-seated contempt ..
  express contempt 1.71   Squire and Ickes have expressed contempt for Mr Morris in earlier times.
  hide contempt 0.72   Nixon could not hide his contempt for us.
  display contempt 0.66   Shortly after shooting them, Conroy displayed utter contempt for his two victims, the court heard.
  feel contempt 0.46   She was surprised to find that she felt only contempt.
  voice contempt 0.39   When the mayor fails to get his way, he often voices contempt for the courts.
  commit contempt 0.33   Lim denied Monday committing any contempt as the injunction, he said, had been improperly served.
  conceal contempt 0.33   He has not even tried to conceal his contempt.
  earn contempt 0.33   That would have been anathema to Taylor and earned his contempt.
  elicit contempt 0.26   But it elicited only contempt from Haider.
  purge contempt 0.26   He was ordered to be kept in the lock-up to purge his contempt.
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