bacterium contaminate 0.66   Bacteria may contaminate them when you flush the toilet.
  dioxin contaminate 0.59   The oil was contaminated by dioxin.
  letter contaminate 0.46   No one knew that one unopened letter could contaminate another.
  chemical contaminate 0.39   Authorities said the chemicals could contaminate the ground and sea, emit dangerous gases and cause an explosion.
  radiation contaminate 0.39   Three thousand factories and defense facilities are contaminated by radiation.
  water contaminate 0.39   Sea water contaminated the water supply.
  pollution contaminate 0.33   If some have been contaminated by pollution, where does the water end up?
  disaster contaminate 0.26   The disaster contaminated vast areas and sent a radioactive cloud over Europe.
  flood contaminate 0.26   Public waters supplies may become contaminated by floods.
  sewage contaminate 0.26   He believes that sewage is contaminating the water and driving them away.
  spill contaminate 0.26   In Barnaul, a mercury spill contaminated a terminal.
  virus contaminate 0.26   That monkey viruses can contaminate live vaccines is not in doubt.
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