telephone contact 18.56   He was contacted by telephone from Cairo.
  official contact 6.85   Officials were contacting family members Thursday.
  police contact 4.34   New York police later contacted the FBI.
  phone contact 3.55   Court officials contacted by phone declined comment.
  company contact 2.76   We continue to get contacted by companies.
  authority contact 2.11   Prison authorities contacted Friday declined comment.
  investigator contact 1.71   She said investigators never contacted her.
  people contact 1.45   As always, people should contact their tax adviser.
  team contact 1.32   He said no NBA teams have contacted him, though.
  agent contact 1.25   His agent contacted the Red Sox.
  government contact 1.18   The government also contacted the Peruvian embassy in Tokyo.
  representative contact 1.05   A Statline representative then contacted the Blood and Tissue Center of Central Texas to report the death.
  family contact 0.99   Families themselves contact the police.
  group contact 0.99   But the rebel group has not contacted Srinagar media for a week.
  parent contact 0.99   Parents contacted police, Jaegle said.
  agency contact 0.86   The health agencies could not contact the owner of Classic Foods.
  lawyer contact 0.86   The lawyers contacted the employer, who settled for an undisclosed amount.
  man contact 0.86   The man contacted Saudi police who removed the device.
  owner contact 0.86   Owners should contact their dealers for an appointment.
  pilot contact 0.86   The other pilot immediately contacted his superior.
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