criminal conspiracy 6.06   Labor began as a criminal conspiracy.
  political conspiracy 4.81   There are no political conspiracies.
  alleged conspiracy 3.16   He denied the alleged conspiracy.
  terrorist conspiracy 2.37   A terrorist conspiracy, financed by a Saudi prince,
  international conspiracy 2.30   It is an international conspiracy.
  federal conspiracy 1.91   Wheeler said the state findings undercut the federal conspiracy case.
  larger conspiracy 1.91   Shin Bet is searching for a larger conspiracy.
  broader conspiracy 1.78   He suspected a broader conspiracy.
  jewish conspiracy 1.65   Robertson did not speak of a Jewish conspiracy.
  bombing conspiracy 1.58   Prosecutors say the robbery financed the bombing conspiracy.
  seditious conspiracy 1.58   The defendants are charged with seditious conspiracy.
  racketeering conspiracy 1.51   Chawki Hammoud is charged with racketeering conspiracy.
  wider conspiracy 1.45   Was there a wider conspiracy?
  high-level conspiracy 1.18   He claims a high-level political conspiracy is behind the charges against him.
  possible conspiracy 1.05   An earlier investigation rejected a possible conspiracy.
  vast conspiracy 0.92   A vast conspiracy.
  western conspiracy 0.72   Taliban suspects Western conspiracy to convert Muslims.
  global conspiracy 0.66   Many Mexican leftists see it as an extension of a global capitalist conspiracy.
  worldwide conspiracy 0.66   Hitler believed there was a worldwide conspiracy to enslave Germany.
  anti-government conspiracy 0.59   Djeddi has been jailed for anti-government conspiracy, but was freed a year ago.
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