give consent 9.81   And silence gives consent.
  require consent 4.74   It requires the consent of the Panel.
  obtain consent 3.75   Informed written consent was obtained before the study.
  seek consent 2.17   Wednesday he assured the House he would seek congressional consent.
  get consent 1.32   Once you get consent to search, you go right to the trunk.
  need consent 1.12   If Nextel chooses to sell more debt, it will need bondholder consent.
  receive consent 0.86   Receiving consent to search, the agent found several pounds of cocaine.
  have consent 0.66   Minors must have parental consent.
  refuse consent 0.46   A patient can refuse consent for a particular treatment at any time.
  withdraw consent 0.46   But shortly before the wedding last August, Magali withdrew her consent.
  provide consent 0.39   Are there limitations on the classes of person who may give consent?
  withhold consent 0.39   If such consent is withheld, then the doctor could seek to have the child made a ward of court.
  write consent 0.39   Before a woman can have an abortion, she needs to have written consent from two doctors.
  plan consent 0.33   With it went planning consent for the sheltered accommodation units.
  await consent 0.26   But the evacuation awaited consent from the Bosnian Serb command in Pale.
  grant consent 0.26   Unclear is just how parental consent might be granted.
  secure consent 0.26   But the government typically secures their consent.
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