bribe congressman 1.25   The tape showed Montesinos apparently bribing a congressman.
  accuse congressman 0.59   The congressman was accused of a breach of secrecy rules.
  call congressman 0.59   Call a congressman.
  say congressman 0.53   As a result, they were not able to cast ballots, the congressman said.
  write congressman 0.46   Write your congressman.
  elect congressman 0.33   Congressmen are elected by small districts, redrawn every decade.
  include congressman 0.33   A number of other potential candidates, including two congressmen, are also waiting in the wings.
  kill congressman 0.26   A U.S. congressman was also killed in connection with the event.
  lobby congressman 0.26   Simmons claimed a letter from former Utah BLM Director Mat Millenbach asked constituents to lobby their congressmen.
  meet congressman 0.26   Tony Blair, the British prime minister, and others meet congressman at the Capitol.
  show congressman 0.26   A security videotape showed the congressman shoving Patton.
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