resolve conflict 36.93   How to resolve the conflict?
  end conflict 31.27   The talks are aimed at ending the conflict.
  avoid conflict 13.69   Avoid conflict.
  settle conflict 10.27   They settled the conflict by peaceful means.
  prevent conflict 7.11   It is now limited to preventing potential conflict.
  solve conflict 7.11   He solved innumerable conflicts within NBC.
  have conflict 7.04   He had other conflicts.
  see conflict 5.79   Gary sees no conflict.
  discuss conflict 5.46   It will also discuss conflict in the Middle East.
  create conflict 4.81   This is creating conflicts.
  mediate conflict 4.74   Its mandate includes mediating regional conflicts.
  escalate conflict 3.95   So they have escalated this conflict.
  cause conflict 2.96   In addition, oil causes environmental conflict.
  defuse conflict 2.57   But now the OSCE is seeking to defuse the conflict.
  cover conflict 2.50   Half-a-dozen journalists have died covering the conflict.
  bring conflict 2.37   They can bring conflict into the open.
  cite conflict 2.24   The mayor had cited scheduling conflicts.
  spark conflict 2.17   The intitiative also runs the risk of sparking conflict.
  fuel conflict 2.11   Other issues have fueled the conflict.
  handle conflict 1.97   How do you handle conflict?
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