police conduct 11.13   And the police will conduct an inquiry.
  company conduct 9.55   Companies still conduct walk-in interviews.
  government conduct 6.85   The government also conducts side-impact tests.
  official conduct 6.65   Officials are conducting an investigation.
  authority conduct 5.99   Health authorities were conducting tests.
  troop conduct 5.40   The Iraqi troops apparently were conducting their own exercises.
  agency conduct 5.20   Other agencies conducted separate campaigns.
  researcher conduct 4.74   The report was conducted by researcher Brian Harvey.
  force conduct 4.61   Yugoslav naval forces conducted exercises nearby recently.
  team conduct 3.82   His team conducted polls just to make sure.
  country conduct 3.75   Both countries conducted nuclear weapons tests last year.
  group conduct 3.62   The group conducted a pilot program.
  scientist conduct 3.23   Scientists conduct several kinds of studies involving humans.
  military conduct 2.96   The U.S. military is conducting its own investigation.
  army conduct 2.37   The Greek army is conducting an investigation into the incident.
  officer conduct 2.17   And officers still conduct the investigations.
  state conduct 2.17   The state is conducting an investigation.
  soldier conduct 2.04   Rebel soldiers conduct summary execution.
  investigator conduct 1.97   Five investigators were conducting the search using jackhammers.
  commission conduct 1.91   The state prison commission conducted an investigation.
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