government condemn 10.60   Government condemns airstrikes.
  group condemn 10.34   Islamic groups condemned them.
  leader condemn 10.01   Opposition leaders condemned it.
  official condemn 5.92   U.S. officials condemned the attack.
  party condemn 2.11   Rival parties condemned the ruling.
  report condemn 1.91   The report condemned others for cronyism, too.
  leadership condemn 1.84   The Palestinian leadership condemned the shooting.
  politician condemn 1.84   Colombian politicians condemned the attack.
  resolution condemn 1.78   Another parliamentary resolution condemned Iran.
  country condemn 1.58   Arab countries also condemned the move.
  court condemn 1.58   The Bethlehem court condemned two of them to death.
  community condemn 1.51   The world community condemns our blood fever.
  statement condemn 1.38   The Security Council statement also condemned the attack.
  authority condemn 1.32   The PLO self-rule authority condemned attacks.
  newspaper condemn 1.18   A Syrian newspaper also condemned the shooting.
  organization condemn 1.18   Environmental organizations condemned features of the plan.
  administration condemn 0.92   The administration condemned the attack as deplorable.
  council condemn 0.92   Council condemns increased attacks on humanitarian workers,
  activist condemn 0.86   In Manila, activists condemned the blast.
  nation condemn 0.86   Other nations condemned the ruler for repressing dissent.
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