suffer concussion 19.49   He suffered a concussion.
  sustain concussion 6.52   Favre sustained a concussion.
  have concussion 5.13   Beebe had a concussion.
  get concussion 1.32   He got a concussion.
  receive concussion 0.72   Another journalist also in the office received severe concussion.
  cause concussion 0.39   He hit his head hard enough to cause a concussion.
  feel concussion 0.39   You could feel the concussion.
  include concussion 0.39   This may include minor concussions.
  treat concussion 0.39   There are arguments on both sides as to whether it is effective for treating concussions.
  diagnose concussion 0.33   He played poorly the next two games before doctors diagnosed a concussion.
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