rock concert 18.30   A rock concert?
  benefit concert 6.39   A Beach Boys benefit concert was a big bust.
  music concert 4.08   Music concerts were revived.
  charity concert 2.50   The band appeared at a charity concert for free.
  weekend concert 1.25   The concert is one of three all-star concerts this weekend.
  summer concert 1.18   They are dragging children and lawn chairs to an outdoor summer concert.
  tribute concert 0.92   It was the first of the all-star tribute concerts.
  house concert 0.86   And at house concerts, they get it.
  stadium concert 0.79   But a stadium concert is no place to mull over messages.
  symphony concert 0.79   There was an outdoor symphony concert and some fine wine.
  gospel concert 0.72   Plans still call for gospel concerts at Ebenezer.
  band concert 0.66   Band concerts and barbecues frequently preceded the games.
  chamber concert 0.66   Now film is turning up in chamber concerts and recitals as well.
  holiday concert 0.66   Also, nightly holiday concerts.
  subscription concert 0.59   He has also proved himself on the podium of the classical subscription concerts as well.
  dance concert 0.53   There he performed in musicals and dance concerts.
  memorial concert 0.53   The Osaka Philharmonic is organizing a memorial concert.
  night concert 0.53   And the washed-up group KISS wants to hold a concert Halloween night at Dodger Stadium.
  reunion concert 0.53   Gee whiz, no reunion concert?
  two-hour concert 0.53   The two-hour concert was put together by Smith.
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