security concern 81.63   But, he added, security concerns remain.
  safety concern 33.25   Both cited safety concerns.
  investor concern 19.88   But those measures seem to have done little to ease investors concerns.
  health concern 13.82   Health concerns have helped.
  privacy concern 9.61   There also are privacy concerns.
  inflation concern 7.64   Inflation concerns are decreasing.
  government concern 3.49   And infidelity has become a government concern.
  consumer concern 3.03   He was drawn to consumer concerns.
  business concern 2.30   The business concerns for both are the same.
  weather concern 2.24   Buying was linked to cold weather concerns.
  injury concern 2.17   More injury concerns also came up.
  market concern 1.97   There is market concern about banks.
  voter concern 1.91   Political hypocrisy is a legitimate voter concern.
  earnings concern 1.78   Technology stocks stumbled amid earnings concerns.
  supply concern 1.65   Oil prices have spiked, too, over supply concerns.
  oil concern 1.58   Sidanko was among the five largest Russian oil concerns.
  bond concern 1.45   Yet strong demand for the new bonds allayed concern that government bond prices would be pushed down, traders said.
  energy concern 1.45   He was also a director of the energy concern Coastal Corp., based in Houston.
  rate concern 1.45   Bonds fell on rate concerns.
  service concern 1.45   Drug companies also fell, as did the shares of banks and financial services concerns.
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