increasing complexity 1.97   This series includes nine modules of increasing complexity.
  growing complexity 1.12   These changes are paralleled by a growing economic complexity.
  technical complexity 1.12   A wild card for both sides is the technical complexity at the heart of the case.
  great complexity 0.86   This lent great complexity to the finished dish.
  political complexity 0.86   But there are political complexities, outside the academic realm, as well.
  added complexity 0.79   But the stories have an added complexity.
  enormous complexity 0.79   The slow pace is partially due to the enormous complexity of the document.
  sheer complexity 0.72   One is sheer complexity.
  additional complexity 0.53   Using their offspring to recreate the original breeding adds additional complexity and risk.
  emotional complexity 0.53   This is what animals do, without emotional complexity.
  legal complexity 0.46   The issue is surrounded by legal complexities.
  moral complexity 0.46   It showed tremendous moral complexity.
  new complexity 0.46   But the yearning for a transcendent meaning raises new complexities in turn.
  greater complexity 0.39   As a system re-organizes into greater complexity, it increases its life.
  psychological complexity 0.39   But such psychological complexity is an afterthought.
  bewildering complexity 0.33   The candidates dwelled on the bewildering complexity of the current tax system.
  needless complexity 0.33   This is exactly the sort of needless complexity it was the genius of the Eameses to cut through.
  rhythmic complexity 0.33   Yet his accompaniment relies on the rhythmic complexity of bebop.
  scientific complexity 0.33   Rhodes exhibits an impressive grasp of the scientific complexities in Deadly Feasts.
  subtle complexity 0.33   The result is a drama of subtle complexity that bears watching, and watching again.
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