company complete 8.49   The companies completed the transaction today.
  government complete 4.02   But the government never did complete the gate.
  team complete 3.49   His team completed one on Law.
  student complete 3.29   Students must complete the course.
  player complete 2.50   Six players completed the first hole.
  committee complete 2.44   The committee has not completed its report.
  official complete 2.24   Philippine environment officials complete killing of Ebola monkeys.
  time complete 2.17   And he found time to complete two original screenplays.
  police complete 2.11   He died before police completed their investigation.
  authority complete 1.65   Martin appealed to local authorities to complete their investigation.
  troop complete 1.58   Israeli troops completed their withdrawal overnight.
  victory complete 1.45   The victory completed a rugged year for De La Hoya.
  side complete 1.38   Neither side complete enough to live happily ever after.
  panel complete 1.32   But the panel failed complete its task.
  force complete 1.25   The Italian-led multinational force completes withdrawal from Albania.
  worker complete 1.25   Workers will have completed the new roads by the end of this year.
  crew complete 1.12   Crew will complete four years in October.
  group complete 1.12   The first boat that the group completed is named for Amy.
  year-end complete 1.05   The deal is expected to be completed by year-end.
  country complete 0.99   The country completed the three-year EFF program last week.
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