file complaint 102.37   Bravely she filed a complaint.
  receive complaint 40.82   But he received many complaints after the hurricane.
  have complaint 30.74   But she has no complaints.
  lodge complaint 22.58   The workers lodged their complaints.
  investigate complaint 21.66   Promptly investigate complaints.
  hear complaint 15.60   I heard no complaints.
  make complaint 14.88   I wish to make a complaint.
  follow complaint 14.02   It was removed following complaints.
  take complaint 10.80   He never took his complaints higher.
  dismiss complaint 8.89   NATO dismissed the complaint.
  handle complaint 6.91   The company has a system to handle customer complaints.
  bring complaint 6.65   The complaint was brought by six Yugoslavs.
  address complaint 5.20   Address complaints to George Stough.
  draw complaint 5.13   Now, it is drawing new complaints.
  ignore complaint 4.74   Blankers-Koen ignored the complaints.
  voice complaint 4.28   They voiced their complaints strongly.
  reject complaint 4.08   Freeh rejected the complaint.
  review complaint 3.95   The Justice Ministry is reviewing the complaint.
  prompt complaint 3.88   That prompted new complaints from civil liberties groups.
  resolve complaint 3.88   We will always do our best to resolve complaints amicably.
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