television commercial 48.19   She is on national television commercials.
  campaign commercial 6.19   Yeltsin begins TV campaign commercials.
  radio commercial 4.21   He also cut radio commercials for Richards.
  beer commercial 2.83   Can beer commercials be very far behind?
  car commercial 1.18   Former quarterback Timm Rosenbach did some car commercials.
  liquor commercial 0.79   The decision was castigated by a leading foe of liquor commercials.
  attack commercial 0.46   Attack commercials are alive and well.
  food commercial 0.46   Food commercials.
  pizza commercial 0.46   In reality, the NFL is no pizza commercial.
  cigarette commercial 0.39   That ceased to be believable about the time that cigarette commercials went off the air.
  shampoo commercial 0.39   She has a shampoo commercial on TV.
  shoe commercial 0.39   It is a skill he has put to use in shoe commercials.
  sneaker commercial 0.39   It will never wind up in a sneaker commercial.
  two-minute commercial 0.39   Prepare what amounts to a two-minute commercial for yourself.
  advocacy commercial 0.33   The bill would also curb issue advocacy commercials by outside groups in periods before an election.
  issue commercial 0.33   The bill would also curb issue advocacy commercials by outside groups in periods before an election.
  soap commercial 0.33   Martha Stewart got her start as the teen-age star of a Lifebuoy soap television commercial.
  toothpaste commercial 0.33   It was his toothpaste commercials.
  air commercial 0.26   TVRI is not allowed to air commercials.
  cable commercial 0.26   The Charter Revision Commission also spent taxpayer money on television cable commercials.
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