political commentator 15.14   ...a political commentator.
  conservative commentator 10.93   Conservative commentators, of course.
  israeli commentator 5.27   But Israeli military commentators are skeptical.
  military commentator 2.04   Military commentators turned on the army.
  social commentator 2.04   Social commentator?
  legal commentator 1.45   Legal commentator Moshe Negbi agreed.
  former commentator 0.99   She was the former political commentator on the evening news.
  frequent commentator 0.99   Abdelkarim is a frequent commentator on Middle East issues.
  arab commentator 0.86   By keeping him away, Arab commentators noted, the Israelis are only strengthening his position.
  italian commentator 0.66   A major Italian commentator and former ambassador, Sergio Romano, agreed.
  boxing commentator 0.59   He also wants to be a boxing commentator.
  french commentator 0.59   For some French commentators, victory went beyond sport.
  black commentator 0.46   And most black commentators assailed the investigation as politically motivated.
  british commentator 0.46   Some British commentators have suggested that Scottish devolution could help England as well.
  german commentator 0.46   But some German commentators believe Kohl faces a peculiar political quandary.
  russian commentator 0.46   Some Russian commentators find that ironic.
  spanish commentator 0.46   The TV high in the corner was tuned to KWEX and the Spanish commentator was getting as frantic as the fighters.
  independent commentator 0.39   Independent commentators have also pointed to technology failure as a possible cause.
  local commentator 0.39   Local commentators have suggested that elements connected to the armed forces could be involved.
  prominent commentator 0.39   Salahuddin was a prominent political commentator for decades.
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