government comment 2.63   No government comment was available.
  week comment 2.30   He declined further comment this week.
  press comment 1.58   German press comment underlined the embarassing nature of the affair.
  broker comment 1.38   Media stocks rose after positive broker comment.
  analyst comment 0.86   Package will include motor analyst comment.
  weekend comment 0.72   White refused to elaborate on his comments this weekend.
  industry comment 0.59   Such orders do not require industry comment or a waiting period.
  newspaper comment 0.59   RECASTS, UPDATES with newspaper comments.
  police comment 0.53   There was no immediate police comment.
  medium comment 0.46   Preseason media comments.
  morning comment 0.46   Frieder was unavailable for comment this morning.
  ministry comment 0.39   LEADS throughout with Neste, ministry comments.
  radio comment 0.39   In his radio comments, Sabaya also threatened to kill other hostages.
  army comment 0.33   There was no immediate army comment.
  post comment 0.33   The jubilant Sri Lanka skipper Arjuna Ranatunga said in his post match comments that he was happy.
  rebel comment 0.33   There was no immediate rebel comment.
  today comment 0.33   The State Department had no comment early today.
  day comment 0.26   Quips are about all Edwards can offer as public comment these days.
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