write column 21.92   He wrote that column, all right.
  read column 4.48   Read this column and relax.
  have column 1.58   I have a column to write.
  see column 1.58   You see empty columns.
  send column 1.32   Sending patent column.
  publish column 1.12   Please do not publish that column.
  devote column 1.05   - This column is devoted to made-in-Malaysia products.
  do column 1.05   Do a column on that.
  accompany column 0.99   PDF file accompanies Lipinski column.
  attack column 0.99   If they spotted one in the restricted zone, they could attack the column.
  use column 0.99   Please do not use this column before this date.
  fill column 0.92   Newspaper columns now are filled with passionate rebuttals.
  run column 0.72   It runneth a column solid.
  include column 0.66   It includes columns by Bill Hodge, who also appears on ESPN.com.
  make column 0.66   First, make three columns.
  add column 0.59   Seventeen and YM magazines both recently added decor columns.
  contribute column 0.59   He also contributed columns on wine to the online magazine Slate.
  finish column 0.59   Do not finish this column.
  move column 0.59   Move the column as a rectangle, not as a column.
  begin column 0.53   He added the statement that began this column.
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