soviet collapse 19.22   In addition, crime has surged the Soviet collapse.
  economic collapse 16.59   Economic collapse is imminent.
  financial collapse 8.82   But BSkyB is not on the brink of financial collapse.
  total collapse 5.60   It was a total collapse.
  building collapse 4.21   Building collapses are not unusual in Egypt.
  sudden collapse 2.70   We bring you no tales of sudden collapses.
  imminent collapse 2.37   The regime has shown no sign of imminent collapse.
  complete collapse 2.24   But concerns over a complete collapse were overstated.
  possible collapse 2.17   Salvation and possible collapse stand either side of the result this afternoon.
  recent collapse 2.17   The recent economic collapse in Russia surprised everyone.
  near collapse 1.84   The near collapse of T. EatonCo.
  virtual collapse 1.78   The company was in a state of virtual collapse.
  further collapse 1.45   Workers feared heavy earth-moving equipment would cause a further collapse.
  dramatic collapse 1.18   The Bears have had a dramatic collapse over the last few weeks.
  spectacular collapse 0.99   The spectacular collapse drew crowds of spectators.
  potential collapse 0.92   But the potential collapse of Kirch could change all that.
  stunning collapse 0.92   It took a stunning collapse to give him the opportunity.
  late collapse 0.86   Another great season followed by a late collapse.
  such collapse 0.86   Such a collapse seems impossible now.
  eventual collapse 0.79   But the eventual collapse caused investors to flee the country en masse.
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