wooden coffin 4.67   They were transported in wooden coffins.
  open coffin 1.78   Weeping students filed past his open coffin.
  white coffin 1.65   The white coffin was surrounded by a growing mound of bouquets.
  flag-draped coffin 1.58   Onlookers applauded the flag-draped coffin as it passed.
  small coffin 1.18   It was like a small coffin.
  mock coffin 0.86   Four women carried a mock coffin on their shoulders.
  simple coffin 0.79   The simple wooden coffin was then draped with a UN flag.
  empty coffin 0.66   An empty coffin was instead placed on a platform before the crowd.
  the coffin 0.59   Carnations and orchids adorned the five coffins.
  cardboard coffin 0.53   At the cemetery, a teenager is buried in a cardboard coffin.
  closed coffin 0.53   At the Papavero Funeral Home, a closed coffin sat in the front of the chapel.
  tiny coffin 0.53   Then, the pallbearers came out, carrying a tiny coffin covered with lambskin.
  wood coffin 0.53   Prisoners shoveled dirt to cover the simple wood coffins.
  metal coffin 0.46   They were placed in metal coffins and covered with the American flag.
  oak coffin 0.46   But there was no oak coffins in Sanday.
  sealed coffin 0.46   Families receive bodies of Ebola victims in sealed coffins and are ordered not to open them.
  lead coffin 0.33   Lead coffins were very rare in colonial America, and could only be afforded by the very rich.
  little coffin 0.33   Little pink coffins.
  makeshift coffin 0.33   Somewhere near the seacoast of New Hampshire, they dumped the makeshift coffin off a bridge.
  new coffin 0.33   He waited for another brother to arrive with a new coffin before they too head for Sokolac.
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