fill coffer 2.83   The tech industry was filling campaign coffers.
  drain coffer 0.79   Also, its coffers will be drained by the loss of five home games.
  boost coffer 0.53   They argue an agency shop only boosts coffers for the union.
  empty coffer 0.53   And, eventually, empty coffers.
  replenish coffer 0.53   Politicians are instead trying to pass new taxes to replenish government coffers.
  swell coffer 0.46   Make them feel welcome as they will help swell our coffers.
  deplete coffer 0.39   But state and local officials fear the moratorium could deplete public coffers.
  fatten coffer 0.33   The economy is growing at its fastest pace in six years, fattening corporate coffers.
  open coffer 0.33   He also pressed businesses to open their coffers to such groups.
  refill coffer 0.26   To refill the coffers, Kuwait plans to begin charging for services like medical care that were free for decades.
  strain coffer 0.26   State employers have warned that higher wages would strain public coffers and necessitate layoffs.
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