state coffer 6.52   Its state coffers are almost bare.
  public coffer 2.30   The payments resumed, a steady drain on public coffers.
  federal coffer 1.45   Without revenues from advertising, TV stations would be forced to rely entirely on federal coffers.
  national coffer 1.25   The move is expected to further strain national coffers and social services.
  party coffer 1.12   The money is expected to have gone into RPR party coffers.
  democratic coffer 0.79   He denounced the flow of foreign political money into Democratic coffers.
  corporate coffer 0.66   That has helped fill corporate coffers with cash.
  empty coffer 0.59   With government coffers empty, the new administration is proposing a new kind of bond.
  depleted coffer 0.33   European town governments, with depleted coffers and high unemployment, are wooing these companies with incentives.
  family coffer 0.33   His goings-on emptied the Orleans family coffers.
  local coffer 0.33   The extended festivities have also stretched out hotel stays, pumping much-needed cash into local coffers.
  tribal coffer 0.33   The Mohawks see hosting the fight as an easy way to put money in tribal coffers.
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