hot coffee 5.46   It offered hot coffee.
  black coffee 4.48   Black coffee.
  instant coffee 3.88   ...instant coffee.
  strong coffee 3.75   They drained the strong coffee.
  drinking coffee 2.50   Your neighbors are out drinking coffee.
  free coffee 1.97   Vets get coffee free.
  fresh coffee 1.51   She filled her cup with fresh coffee.
  colombian coffee 1.38   A make-believe burro carried sacks of Colombian coffee.
  decaffeinated coffee 1.38   You had ordered decaffeinated coffee.
  brazilian coffee 1.25   Most Brazilian coffee is of the arabica variety.
  flavored coffee 1.25   Flavored coffees and flavored popcorn.
  iced coffee 1.18   Drank an iced coffee.
  brewed coffee 1.12   Instead of instant, you get brewed coffee.
  good coffee 1.12   Good coffee.
  cuban coffee 0.92   He smoked a hand-rolled cigar, she sipped a bittersweet Cuban coffee.
  bitter coffee 0.86   Breakfast is traditional bitter Arabic coffee and dates.
  steaming coffee 0.86   Eva ambles in with two mugs of steaming coffee.
  organic coffee 0.79   The goal is to sell organic coffee.
  raw coffee 0.79   They have even asked the Colombian government to release some of its stocks of raw coffee.
  cold coffee 0.72   Cold coffee?
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