new code 14.15   Will the new code last?
  building code 13.69   Building codes refined.
  strict code 7.64   Doctors have a strict code of conduct.
  criminal code 7.37   The criminal code could provide definitions, he said.
  legal code 6.12   Shariah is the legal code of Islam.
  secret code 5.92   There is no secret code.
  islamic code 5.66   But she does favor changes in Sharia, the strict Islamic code.
  moral code 4.74   The old moral code has broken down.
  electoral code 3.23   The next step is reform of the electoral code.
  voluntary code 3.09   It promotes a voluntary code of conduct.
  digital code 2.76   The signal will be converted into digital code.
  civil code 2.30   He created the civil code we still use today.
  military code 2.30   We abide by a strict military code of honor.
  local code 2.11   ...local building codes.
  special code 2.04   Nobody can get your name without a special code.
  proposed code 1.84   Otherwise, butts out, under the proposed code.
  housing code 1.58   He suggested that perhaps housing codes should require them.
  programming code 1.51   He was hired to write programming code.
  personal code 1.45   Brian keyed in his personal code.
  same code 1.45   The same code should apply to drug companies.
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