lethal cocktail 1.12   Dunleavy has tossed down a few other lethal cocktails in his time.
  classic cocktail 0.59   Classic cocktail making a spirited comeback.
  new cocktail 0.59   Today, new cocktails are created as often as the weather changes.
  chemical cocktail 0.53   Might the effects of this chemical cocktail be different from that of each of the ingredients alone?
  potent cocktail 0.53   The combination of early breakfast, exhaust fumes and nerves is a potent cocktail!
  champagne cocktail 0.39   First, Champagne cocktails.
  homemade cocktail 0.39   Several homemade molotov cocktails were tossed during the disturbances.
  powerful cocktail 0.39   The book contains a powerful cocktail of romance, family crises and big business.
  daily cocktail 0.33   But she still has to take a daily cocktail of drugs.
  deadly cocktail 0.33   When they had enough set aside to do the job, he mixed her a deadly cocktail.
  volatile cocktail 0.33   Chainsaw guitars and dreamy vocals make for a volatile cocktail which when mixed leaves a sweet taste.
  anti-aids cocktail 0.26   Doctors Without Borders will buy the anti-AIDS cocktail from the Indian company Cipla Ltd.
  flaming cocktail 0.26   Bar chef Albert Trummer mixing flaming cocktails at the Town bar in New York.
  so-called cocktail 0.26   The coral fragrance, the so-called cocktail of aromas, was pleasant enough and reminded me of nice clean shampoo.
  vegetable cocktail 0.26   It is also noted for a variety of fresh fruit and vegetable cocktails.
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