apply coat 9.68   Apply coats as instructed.
  wear coat 5.86   He wore mink coats.
  need coat 2.70   Two coats are needed.
  take coat 2.63   Take your coat off.
  have coat 1.51   It has one coat of varnish.
  get coat 1.38   He got my coat.
  use coat 1.12   Always use thin coats.
  hang coat 0.99   Hang your coat on the hook.
  put_on coat 0.99   Put your coat on.
  add coat 0.72   Can I add coats?
  throw coat 0.72   He threw his coat aside.
  grab coat 0.66   You grab their coats.
  remove coat 0.66   He removed the coat and rolled up his left sleeve.
  put coat 0.59   Come on put your coat on then Amy.
  make coat 0.53   Coats were made in blanket wool.
  pull coat 0.53   We pulled our coats around us and walked into the night.
  give coat 0.46   Give your coat to the lady over there.
  keep_on coat 0.46   Visitors are advised to keep their coats on.
  button coat 0.39   Ferguson stood up and buttoned his coat.
  buy coat 0.39   The man bought the coat.
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