long coastline 1.45   The long coastline offers beaches that appeal to tourists.
  rocky coastline 1.05   Farther west, waves break against a rocky coastline.
  atlantic coastline 0.92   She sailed the Atlantic coastline.
  rugged coastline 0.79   Then we moved to a bungalow, Marginally out of sight of the rugged coastline.
  pacific coastline 0.72   Patchy morning clouds will again shroud the Pacific coastline.
  southern coastline 0.72   Only minor tidal flooding was expected along the southern coastline.
  adriatic coastline 0.39   Croats control the Adriatic coastline and ports.
  northern coastline 0.39   Immigration Minister Philip Ruddock announced Friday that Australia had extended its no-go zone along the entire northern coastline.
  scenic coastline 0.39   Dozens of the cars will wind their way around the scenic coastline on Friday.
  baltic coastline 0.26   In Soviet times, those states provided the Kremlin with a substantial section of the Baltic coastline.
  eastern coastline 0.26   The plane flew along the eastern coastline.
  entire coastline 0.26   Policing the entire coastline is well-nigh impossible.
  japanese coastline 0.26   The oil spill ruined marine resources and threatened wildlife along several hundred kilometres of Japanese coastline.
  low-lying coastline 0.26   Sea level is expected to rise by about a foot and a half, inundating many low-lying coastlines.
  mediterranean coastline 0.26   Years of exploration, especially off the Mediterranean coastline, have yet to yield large quantities of oil in Israel.
  western coastline 0.26   Marines searched the western coastline.
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