low cloud 33.31   Visibility was bad due to low cloud.
  dark cloud 18.30   Dark clouds loom.
  high cloud 13.23   There was a high cloud cover.
  thick cloud 13.03   It was like walking into a thick cloud.
  patchy cloud 10.40   But patchy clouds will linger near the Appalachians.
  variable cloud 8.43   Tonight ... Variable clouds.
  black cloud 7.77   Black clouds usually mean rain.
  increasing cloud 6.98   Monday...Partly sunny but increasing clouds late.
  mushroom cloud 6.91   Cue mushroom cloud.
  afternoon cloud 6.71   Variable afternoon clouds.
  heavy cloud 6.52   We have to operate under heavy clouds.
  huge cloud 6.32   Huge clouds of smoke were visible.
  puffy cloud 3.29   Eighty degrees and puffy clouds.
  scattered cloud 3.29   Only scattered clouds were in the forecast at Edwards.
  gray cloud 3.16   Dark gray clouds shrouded the mountains to the north.
  coastal cloud 2.44   Coastal clouds will linger in Oregon.
  large cloud 2.37   Large clouds.
  dense cloud 2.30   The summit was obscured in dense clouds.
  broken cloud 2.17   A stiff breeze shoves broken clouds across the moon.
  considerable cloud 1.97   Sunday ... Partly sunny but considerable clouds by afternoon.
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