plant closing 7.44   Is a plant closing?
  store closing 4.15   But store closings may occur.
  branch closing 2.57   No branch closings are planned.
  school closing 2.11   Wisconsin also had scattered school closings.
  border closing 1.58   The border closings keep thousands of Palestinians from jobs in Israel.
  factory closing 1.32   He is airing radio spots bemoaning the factory closings and NAFTA.
  bank closing 0.86   Krasno said widespread bank closings are likely.
  beach closing 0.66   Ventura County has had two beach closings so far this year, according to a county official.
  index closing 0.66   Share prices rose in Hong Kong, with the key index index closing at a record high.
  office closing 0.66   No official office closing is planned.
  government closing 0.59   The Passport Office has been heavily taxed with a backlog of requests from the recent government closings.
  book closing 0.53   The mid-year book closing for Japanese institutional investors is at the end of the month.
  business closing 0.53   But statistics on business closings can be misleading.
  road closing 0.53   The road closings have created downtown traffic jams.
  year closing 0.46   This being my first year closing, there was a lot of learning and growing.
  market closing 0.39   UPDATES with Luzhkov remarks, market closings,
  hospital closing 0.33   Painful hospital closings are by no means confined to the for-profit chains.
  door closing 0.26   Chretien said the sound of the door closing awakened him.
  highway closing 0.26   Power cuts, traffic snarls, and highway closings have been reported in Austria and the Netherlands.
  holiday closing 0.26   Spokeswoman Anne McGrath said HP decided that pay cuts and holiday closings were preferable to layoffs.
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