order close 4.81   Schools were ordered closed.
  be close 0.99   Both are new closing highs.
  work close 0.66   European hotels are also working to close the gadget gap.
  report close 0.53   The main road north from Pristina was reported closed for a second day because of sniper fire.
  accord close 0.46   He was out of touch even with his own staff, according to close associates.
  rush close 0.46   She rushed to close the window when she heard the rain.
  rebound close 0.39   The greenback fell back slightly in the morning but rebounded to close slightly higher.
  mix close 0.33   Shares were up in Thailand and closed mixed in Indonesia.
  rally close 0.33   Corn prices opened lower before rallying to close slightly higher.
  can close 0.26   And furniture is inflating as fast as it can to close the gap.
  say close 0.26   Government leaders say closing the tunnel has had negative economic consequences.
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