record close 1.78   Both were record closes.
  very close 1.71   Very close.
  high close 1.65   Investors were also encouraged by a record high close on Wall Street.
  lowest close 1.38   That was its lowest close in five weeks.
  lower close 1.05   Despite the lower close, Cave said it could have been worse.
  highest close 0.99   It is the highest close in seven weeks.
  early close 0.92   - Early close for metals.
  higher close 0.92   Stocks surged to a sharply higher Thursday close in a late spurt led by gains in futures.
  record-high close 0.66   It was the third record-high close this month.
  little close 0.53   This hit a little close to home.
  pretty close 0.53   But pretty close.
  real close 0.53   First, he leans in real close.
  abrupt close 0.39   On that note the interview was brought to an abrupt close.
  only close 0.39   The only thing close was the coverage by Fox.
  strong close 0.39   Wheat got support from a forecast for dry weather for the southwestern Plains and a strong close on Friday.
  available close 0.33   Ample car parking is available close by.
  northern close 0.33   The KDP controls parts of northern Iraq close to the Turkish border.
  extra close 0.26   He wore his best suit, a clean silk shirt and shaved extra close.
  successful close 0.26   Judging from the drumbeat of developments in the last few years, one might think that the search was nearing a successful close.
  virtual close 0.26   I present on the virtual close and e-finance.
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