video clip 25.41   Even video clips are available.
  audio clip 2.83   Movie Sounds specializes in audio clips from soundtracks.
  sound clip 2.63   It has a collection of sound clips, too.
  faster clip 2.30   And Frontier is losing customers at a faster clip.
  rapid clip 2.30   New roofs and windows go up at a rapid clip.
  fast clip 1.91   They move at a fast clip.
  brief clip 1.38   In Mixed Up Quotes, four brief video clips are played one at a time.
  good clip 1.38   Traffic was moving at a good clip.
  healthy clip 1.25   Houston employers continued to add new workers at a healthy clip.
  short clip 1.25   It offers short video clips on Videoseeker, a Web site it runs.
  steady clip 1.12   Openings continue at a steady clip.
  old clip 0.92   One old clip grabbed my attention.
  metal clip 0.79   Remove metal clip.
  brisk clip 0.53   Although housing starts fell last month, they continued at a brisk clip.
  double-digit clip 0.53   All were growing at a double-digit clip.
  magazine clip 0.46   He had a grenade, an assault rifle and magazine clips in his possession, the army said.
  plastic clip 0.46   The kits come with a plastic clip that is fastened to the rear edge of a blade.
  archival clip 0.33   There are priceless archival clips, including a very young Joan Sutherland in recital with the pianist Gerald Moore.
  digital clip 0.33   The next hurdle will be to get these digital video clips into the iMac.
  impressive clip 0.33   PictureTelCorp.and ACT Manufacturing Inc., two emerging companies, grew at an impressive clip.
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