steep cliff 2.30   He made slow progress down the steep cliff.
  sheer cliff 2.11   Sheer cliffs defend the island.
  high cliff 1.84   The high rocky cliff.
  rocky cliff 1.84   The high rocky cliff.
  coastal cliff 0.79   With towering coastal cliffs Niue is like a decaying fortress.
  towering cliff 0.72   Nearly every mountain is a towering cliff.
  craggy cliff 0.66   ...tiny villages on craggy cliffs.
  jagged cliff 0.59   ...jagged black cliffs.
  white cliff 0.59   The white cliffs of Dover came into view.
  stone cliff 0.46   The Hatshepsut Temple consists of a broad colonnade built into barren tan stone cliffs.
  vertical cliff 0.46   How, you might ask, is scaling a vertical cliff a safe sport?
  red cliff 0.39   And in the west are the oases of Timimoun, known for its red cliffs and textile dyes.
  small cliff 0.33   I called it a small cliff.
  surrounding cliff 0.33   A surrounding cliff forces visitors to either climb a ladder from the shore or fly in on helicopters.
  dramatic cliff 0.26   Standing on these dramatic cliffs, the legends of the area seem quite plausible.
  rugged cliff 0.26   But the folds also resemble a granite synthesis of the rugged stone cliffs and the craggy nearby townscape.
  same cliff 0.26   It has the same staggering cliffs, the same panoramic views -- only in miniature.
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