local clergy 2.50   He would like to invite local clergy to give the invocation.
  catholic clergy 2.44   But there were hopeful signs for the Catholic clergy.
  muslim clergy 2.17   The Muslim clergy are increasingly divided.
  ruling clergy 2.11   Iranian election poses test for ruling clergy.
  conservative clergy 1.71   Some conservative clergy sympathized with the Boy Scouts action.
  roman_catholic clergy 1.71   Roman Catholic clergy are forbidden to marry and take a vow of celibacy.
  black clergy 1.32   Including some black clergy.
  islamic clergy 1.32   The Khatami faction is opposed by an entrenched Islamic clergy.
  hard-line clergy 1.05   Khatami has until now avoided head-on confrontation with the hard-line clergy.
  gay clergy 0.92   A more contemporary issue is the ordination of gay clergy.
  homosexual clergy 0.86   The ordination of women and treatment of homosexual clergy - both sensitive issues - May well cause rifts.
  christian clergy 0.79   Why do Christian clergy fall?
  protestant clergy 0.72   But despite the pleas of Protestant clergy and moderate Orangemen, the Orangemen here are gearing for a fight.
  female clergy 0.66   Several priests in the Fort Worth diocese favor female clergy.
  powerful clergy 0.66   The rally was organised by the powerful conservative clergy in Iran.
  abusive clergy 0.59   But he warned the focus should remain on disciplining abusive clergy.
  shiite clergy 0.59   The Shiite clergy and media have appealed for a strong turnout for the anti-Israeli protests.
  influential clergy 0.53   An extremist Sinhalese group and influential Buddhist clergy have called the proposals a sellout to Tamils.
  lower clergy 0.46   The household of the skilled potter became in income terms the equal of that of the lower clergy.
  married clergy 0.46   A key sticking point has been the refusal of the Vatican to countenance married clergy.
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