greater clarity 1.51   It will bring greater clarity into choosing how to spend public money on health.
  moral clarity 1.38   Moral clarity is dead.
  great clarity 0.66   Gao Yang saw this with great clarity.
  absolute clarity 0.53   I knew with absolute clarity that this was not what I wanted.
  better clarity 0.46   The result is better clarity and an increased dynamic range, from soft to loud.
  impressive clarity 0.46   Tyler tells a complex story with impressive clarity.
  remarkable clarity 0.46   The viewing screen has remarkable clarity.
  sufficient clarity 0.46   This made it more difficult for the cast to project text with sufficient clarity.
  equal clarity 0.39   Others recall encounters with Niekro with equal clarity.
  perfect clarity 0.39   A City College education was a thing of breathtaking narrowness and perfect clarity.
  startling clarity 0.39   Min writes of crazed, chaotic times with a startling clarity and lean lyricism.
  crystalline clarity 0.33   And in their rejuvenated, spit-shined state, the songs revive plenty of memories with crystalline clarity.
  digital clarity 0.33   A deep look at the overall picture, providing some digital clarity.
  grave clarity 0.33   Nor does the grave clarity with which Raimi charts the slippage of their world into chaos.
  new clarity 0.33   But opposing this new clarity of composition are long, repeating diagonals that Rembrandt also added.
  same clarity 0.33   The officers in these films possessed this same clarity.
  surprising clarity 0.33   She remembered what happened that day with surprising clarity.
  admirable clarity 0.26   Yet no one looked winded, and everyone spoke with admirable clarity.
  astonishing clarity 0.26   They are grayish blue and possessed of an astonishing clarity and luminescence.
  emotional clarity 0.26   But Peirce is angling for an emotional clarity, which she gets.
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