rumor circulate 11.52   Rumors are circulating around town.
  air circulate 4.87   He leaves the bag open so air circulates.
  report circulate 3.29   The report circulated among the students.
  rumour circulate 2.37   Lennon said that two rumours were circulating on the LME.
  story circulate 1.51   How the stories circulated on every campus!
  petition circulate 1.05   A petition is circulating among listeners.
  blood circulate 0.92   Blood circulates around the body.
  money circulate 0.86   This chapter shows, in outline, the way money circulates through the economy.
  police circulate 0.79   Police circulate drawing of suspect in defector shooting.
  proposal circulate 0.79   Other proposals have been circulating for years.
  word circulate 0.79   No wonder AL rivals flinched when word of the trade circulated.
  currency circulate 0.66   Both currencies will circulate legally for two weeks.
  group circulate 0.53   The group circulated petitions calling for a federal law to ban handguns.
  authority circulate 0.46   Demonstrators suggested it had been circulated by authorities.
  copy circulate 0.46   Review copies currently are circulating.
  euro circulate 0.46   The euro is now circulating to surprising enthusiasm.
  name circulate 0.46   Other names are circulating in Moscow circles.
  dollar circulate 0.39   In fact, more dollars circulate outside the United States than inside.
  drug circulate 0.39   Counterfeit drugs have long circulated in other parts of the world.
  e-mail circulate 0.39   As the e-mail circulated, Jessie slowly improved.
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