helicopter circle 9.61   News helicopters circled.
  plane circle 4.54   Planes circled overhead.
  aircraft circle 1.32   Aircraft must instead circle around the runway.
  jet circle 1.25   Fighter jets circled over the city.
  gunship circle 1.18   Helicopter gunships circled constantly.
  shark circle 0.86   The sharks circled, but in the end they smelled no blood.
  car circle 0.66   Police cars circled the building.
  police circle 0.66   Police were circling the building.
  vulture circle 0.66   But the vultures are circling.
  buzzard circle 0.53   Buzzards circled overhead.
  pilot circle 0.53   The pilot circled the airport before landing.
  bird circle 0.46   Birds circled in the dark sky.
  tank circle 0.39   On Saturday, tanks circled the presidential palace and the army headquarters.
  hawk circle 0.33   A hawk circles overhead.
  soldier circle 0.33   As the soldiers circled the rebel positions, the guerrillas took refuge in a Hindu temple.
  vehicle circle 0.33   Police vehicles circled the area, but security forces kept well away.
  airplane circle 0.26   But an airplane circled overboard, and that apparently saved him.
  player circle 0.26   But the bigger players were circling.
  team circle 0.26   You can be sure that at least two teams have circled the date.
  truck circle 0.26   Teamster trucks circled the red-brick plaza, air horns wailing.
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