inner circle 21.72   I was not in the inner circle at all.
  right circle 19.82   Allison threw the puck to Guerin in the right circle.
  left circle 17.05   Allison skated the puck down the left circle.
  political circle 12.97   Newcomers can shake up political circles.
  small circle 9.87   He has a small circle of friends.
  financial circle 6.78   Even financial circles are concerned.
  social circle 4.87   His social circle grew as well.
  concentric circle 4.61   It grew in concentric circles.
  academic circle 3.75   Her name is well known in academic circles.
  legal circle 3.62   Including, now, legal circles.
  tight circle 3.23   Form a little cone and wrap in a fairly tight circle.
  large circle 3.09   He had a large circle of friends.
  wide circle 3.03   She has a wide circle of acquaintances.
  dark circle 2.96   Dark circles hidden.
  conservative circle 2.76   In some conservative circles, this amounted to heresy.
  republican circle 2.76   But many in Republican circles express worry.
  full circle 2.44   Full circle.
  literary circle 2.04   Literary circles are sometimes woven together.
  diplomatic circle 1.97   His view was largely echoed by Asian diplomatic circles.
  official circle 1.91   Resistance to the church remains strong in official circles.
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