rub chin 1.97   He rubbed his chin.
  rest chin 1.25   - Do not rest your chin on your hands.
  stroke chin 1.18   Or stroke our chin?
  tilt chin 1.05   She tilted her chin at him.
  keep_up chin 0.99   Keep your chin up!
  lift chin 0.99   Lift that chin.
  cup chin 0.66   He cupped her chin in the palm of his hand.
  tuck chin 0.59   Do not tuck your chin.
  hold chin 0.46   He holds her chin.
  stick_out chin 0.46   Leonora stuck her chin out.
  hit chin 0.39   In a solo, Gilmore hits his chin with clasped hands.
  raise chin 0.33   She raised her chin and looked at him coldly.
  scratch chin 0.33   Scratching his chin.
  take chin 0.33   His hand, warm and strong, took her chin and held her firm.
  catch chin 0.26   His hand caught her chin, forced her to look at him.
  have chin 0.26   We grow up and have their chins.
  stick chin 0.26   Instead he stuck his chin in his hand, so removing his arm from her touch.
  thrust chin 0.26   Ronni thrust her chin at him.
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