have chemistry 3.09   We have chemistry.
  develop chemistry 0.99   The unknown was if we could develop a chemistry.
  study chemistry 0.92   Born in Germany, he studied chemistry at the University of Frankfurt.
  disrupt chemistry 0.86   Will this disrupt team chemistry?
  teach chemistry 0.79   He taught chemistry at a leading independent school.
  change chemistry 0.66   Will players be traded to change the chemistry of the roster?
  affect chemistry 0.59   He could affect chemistry of the team.
  alter chemistry 0.53   The chemistry might be altered.
  find chemistry 0.53   You have to find the chemistry.
  build chemistry 0.46   It built a chemistry in the locker room.
  create chemistry 0.46   Fassel took steps to create the chemistry.
  lack chemistry 0.46   They lack chemistry.
  upset chemistry 0.46   If you start upsetting that chemistry, you could ruin that football team.
  analyze chemistry 0.39   Meawhile, instruments aboard the landing craft are analyzing the chemistry of Martian minerals.
  like chemistry 0.39   I like the chemistry here.
  fail chemistry 0.33   The Lakers may have failed chemistry.
  hurt chemistry 0.33   Even if it hurts clubhouse chemistry.
  improve chemistry 0.33   Trading Rodman improved chemistry.
  establish chemistry 0.26   He and Czyz will have only a few undercard fights to establish chemistry.
  flunk chemistry 0.26   Tony flunked chemistry last semester.
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