use chemical 12.57   What brain chemicals are used?
  contain chemical 6.12   Many of his works contained toxic chemicals.
  release chemical 2.96   That chemical is released by nerve cells.
  produce chemical 2.90   The factory produces chemicals.
  make chemical 2.63   MBT makes construction chemicals.
  find chemical 2.37   Third, did we find chemicals?
  spray chemical 2.24   However, some people beg Deutsch to spray chemicals.
  add chemical 1.91   Chemicals are added.
  carry chemical 1.91   The chemical is carried in stainless steel tankers.
  mix chemical 1.51   Never mix chemicals.
  sell chemical 1.45   As a warehouser, Zutz did not sell the chemical.
  dump chemical 1.38   Some ships also dumped toxic chemicals from printing presses.
  include chemical 1.32   The contamination includes hazardous chemicals, including PCBs.
  remove chemical 1.32   Once the chemical is removed, the polymers shrink back to normal.
  ban chemical 0.99   The chemicals are banned in Ukraine.
  store chemical 0.92   The tanks are used for storing chemicals.
  manufacture chemical 0.86   In the United States it manufactures chemicals.
  put chemical 0.86   No intermediate stops to put chemicals in them.
  have chemical 0.72   Does Brick have toxic chemicals in the water, pollutants in the air?
  identify chemical 0.72   The advertisement did not identify the chemicals.
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