executive chef 9.55   The executive chef is Manuel Mattei.
  french chef 5.20   Those old French chefs tried everything.
  professional chef 2.63   Richard is no quirkier than many other professional chefs.
  personal chef 2.24   Enter personal chef Lisa Dillard.
  master chef 2.11   Suddenly, Amanda is a master chef.
  top chef 2.04   Top Philadelphia chefs will also participate.
  american chef 1.84   For years, American chefs did the same.
  young chef 1.78   And they want young chefs.
  new chef 1.65   Stars, with a new chef and owner now, has won some good reviews.
  former chef 1.45   Tim Kartiganer, former executive chef at Tocai, is a bowl fan.
  local chef 1.32   Local chefs report mixed results.
  private chef 1.18   It is fueled by a nutritionist and a private chef.
  trained chef 1.18   A highly trained chef is required to prepare them safely.
  well-known chef 0.99   It plans to add cooking classes by well-known chefs.
  great chef 0.92   Great chefs.
  creative chef 0.79   Creative chefs make their mark here.
  famous chef 0.79   Michelin regularly demotes famous chefs.
  best chef 0.72   Even the best chefs will tell you so.
  japanese chef 0.72   Sushi Real Japanese chefs are always specialists.
  renowned chef 0.72   An internationally renowned chef owns the restaurant.
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