police check 13.50   Ben-Ruby said police were checking his story.
  official check 7.24   Officials checked the replay and agreed.
  investigator check 4.48   Investigators only belatedly checked the badges.
  authority check 4.15   Authorities are checking whether the signature is authentic.
  doctor check 4.15   A doctor is checking on Salvi.
  officer check 3.82   The officer checked his ID.
  inspector check 2.83   Inspectors check visas and passports at ports of entry.
  people check 2.37   Do people check that?
  soldier check 2.37   Soldiers checked the highway for mines.
  worker check 2.37   A worker checks a valve at the Tengiz refinery.
  man check 1.65   The man checked a list and shook his head.
  company check 1.58   Six mining companies checked for pollution.
  team check 1.58   Cruising police teams check identity papers.
  agent check 1.51   Then, the agent checks his emotions.
  army check 1.45   The Israeli army was checking.
  expert check 1.38   Bomb experts were checking the car.
  guard check 1.32   The guard checked our passes.
  researcher check 1.32   Their progress was checked by researchers.
  user check 1.32   Some users were checking the Associated Press news.
  consumer check 1.18   First, consumers would check prices and bargains at the Web site.
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