change channel 6.45   Change the channel.
  use channel 3.88   The channel is currently used by Russian television.
  open channel 2.17   At least, Logan opened a channel for discussion.
  carry channel 2.11   No cable operators have made commitments yet to carry the channel.
  offer channel 1.97   Some radio and TV channels may be offered free.
  switch channel 1.97   Switch channels.
  have channel 1.78   CABLE stations also have channels to fill.
  create channel 1.38   You can send private messages, or create private channels.
  flip channel 1.32   I kept flipping channels.
  get channel 1.32   How many channels you got?
  add channel 1.18   But adding channels to existing aircraft is expensive.
  block channel 1.18   Fletcher said a protein molecule in the venom blocks ion channels in insect cells.
  broadcast channel 1.05   Most large towns were still limited to broadcast channels.
  launch channel 1.05   Now big companies are launching smaller channels.
  provide channel 0.99   It provided a channel for protest while the war continued.
  watch channel 0.92   I stopped watching news channels a month ago.
  cross channel 0.86   One additional warship is to later cross the channel.
  receive channel 0.86   Viewers will need to be hooked up to cable television to receive the channel.
  turn channel 0.86   Turn the channel.
  establish channel 0.79   Cable TV trying to establish weather channel.
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